Settings for BLE

The settings for BLE are made in LANconfig under IoT > Bluetooth LE.

Operational settings

BLE activated
Activate the BLE module here.
BLE mode
This entry allows you to set the operating mode of the BLE module. Choose whether to use the Bluetooth interface for sending beacons or for scanning the environment.
Important: The two operating modes cannot be operated simultaneously.
The BLE module is used for scanning the environment.
The BLE module sends out beacons.
Scan mode
Select here whether to use active or passive scanning. With active scanning, requests are sent actively and any BLE clients in the surroundings can respond to them. This is necessary to determine the names of the clients, for example.
Important: Please note that continuously responding to scan requests can affect client battery life. With passive scanning, no scan requests are sent but only passively listened for.

iBeacon profiles

Here you define profiles that you can later assign to a BLE interface.

Give the iBeacon profile a name.
A 16-byte identifier used to group together larger groups of beacons. For example, all iBeacons of a company could share the same iBeacon UUID.
Major ID
A 2-byte identifier used to distinguish subgroups of iBeacons. For example, all iBeacons at a company branch office could share the same major identifier.
Minor ID
A 2-byte identifier used to distinguish individual iBeacons. For example, each individual iBeacon in a branch office could have its own minor identifier.

iBeacon settings

iBeacon profile
Here you select iBeacon profile to set the UUID, Major ID and Minor ID, etc.
iBeacon channels
Here you select the channels used to broadcast the iBeacon.
Transmission power
Select the transmission power here. The exact meaning of the values that can be selected here is explained in the iBeacon specification. The following values are possible:
The module sends with maximum power (default).
The module sends with medium power.
The module sends with minimum power.

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