Corporate Social Responsibility

On the basis of partnerships and transparency.

Responsibility in the digital age

The digitalization of our economy and society is going on all around us. The real and virtual worlds are inexorably becoming one large network. The increasing flood of data and the global flow of information are driving forces for efficiency and innovation. At the same time they raise new challenges to IT security, reliable data transmission, critical infrastructures, data protection, informational self-determination, and protection against cyber crime.


As a leading German manufacturer of networking solutions, we take responsibility in the digital age. At LANCOM we consider security, reliability and future viability to be our top priorities – not only in terms of our products but also in our day-to-day actions. We pursue a stakeholder-based CSR approach that closely aligns with our core business, our brand, and our mission statement. We wish to take advantage of emerging opportunities, while at the same time applying foresight to reduce economic, ecological and social risk. It is our goal to be a reliable employer, partner and market player in the long term.

Supplier Sustainability Assessment EcoVadis®

For several years already, our corporate practice has encompassed sustainability and taking responsibility in the digital age. As a supplier to members of the EcoVadis® Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector Initiative, LANCOM has participated annually in the EcoVadis® sustainability rating since 2015. The ICT initiative is an association of industry groups that use the independent rating platform to promote environmental and social practices of their suppliers. The performance monitoring evaluates the supply chain and supports the improvement of sustainability aspects. Over 100,000 companies use EcoVadis® ratings to reduce risk, accelerate innovation and promote transparency and mutual trust in trading relationships. The EcoVadis® overall score in points from 0-100 reflects the quality of the assessed company's sustainability management at the time of the assessment.

With a total score of 70 points, LANCOM was awarded an EcoVadis®Silver Medal in July 2024 for the sustainability management in the areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. In the overall assessment, this result places EcoVadis®LANCOM Systems GmbH in the top 15% across all sectors and in the top 8% of the companies assessed in the manufacturing ot telecommunications technology devices and installations.

Report in accordance with the German Sustainability Code

In our first declaration on the German Sustainability Code (DNK), we disclose how sustainability is practiced at LANCOM. We create transparency and comparability by presenting our sustainability performance in accordance with the 20 DNK criteria. This standard was developed by the German Council for Sustainable Development on behalf of the German government together with business representatives. LANCOM's declaration of conformity can be viewed in the database of the German Sustainability Code.

Contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

17 Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) lay down the key global challenges of our time. It is the task of all social actors and hence also the task of business enterprises to actively tackle these challenges. The SDGs offer a broad framework which companies can use as a guide and orientation in their operations to ensure sustainability. We concentrate on the key SDGs for LANCOM, acquainting and sensitising our employees to the notion of sustainability in order to strengthen their commitment at our company over the long term. This creates solid foundations upon which to discuss and initiate product and process optimisation. The most important SDGs for LANCOM (8, 9, 16) align closely with our business model. Other key SDGs (3, 4, 12, 13, 17) bear relevance to the field in which we operate or relate to our target sectors.


Excerpt of our defined goals

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

We develop and manufacture the majority of our products in Germany in line with strict environmental protection regulations and occupational health and safety standards. More than 400 employees in Germany at present contribute to the success of the company. We…

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

We develop and manufacture the majority of our products in Germany in line with strict environmental protection regulations and occupational health and safety standards. More than 400 employees in Germany at present contribute to the success of the company. We work to promote both LANCOM's attractiveness as an employer and fair labour practices all along our value chain.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

We combine the traditional hardware business with future-oriented topics such as virtualisation, cloud management and software-defined networking to build networks that are highly automated, efficient and flexible. Supported by our brand values - secure, reliable and sustainable - we provide a firm pledge of quality and values.

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

We work to foster appreciation of data while encouraging German digital sovereignty. Backdoor freedom is an essential protective feature of our products. The trust mark "IT-Security Engineered in Germany" as well as certification by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) vouch for our trustworthiness and outstanding security level.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Our employees benefit from a range of sports, relaxation and counselling services going above and beyond legal requirements in the area of occupational health and safety to keep them physically and mentally fit and healthy. Our corporate health management has been awarded the Corporate Health Award in 2020.

SDG 4: Quality Education

We provide training in commercial and technical professions and offer students internships and thesis programmes. We also award stipends to promising next-generation IT professionals. In addition, we perform further training courses for employees and managers in line with requirements on a regular basis. We support schools, universities and other educational institutions in their digitisation efforts with trustworthy, legally compliant network infrastructures.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

It is our aim and desire to continuously improve the environmental compatibility and efficiency of our solutions. Our equipment is fully operational and performant well beyond the warranty period. In every further development, we always keep one eye on the LANCOM state of the art already installed in the market. New applications and technologies are always compatible and can be easily integrated into the existing network infrastructure. In addition, our regular updates are free of charge.

SDG 13: Climate Action

All LANCOM locations are to be supplied with 100% green electricity beginning in 2021 as part of a group-wide switchover to this form of power. Our company environmental management system ensures that all employees are aware of fundamental environmental issues and adopt sustainable behaviour in their everyday work.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

We are actively involved in regional, national and European initiatives and industry associations to ensure an effective exchange on digitisation and responsibility. On top of this, we actively collaborate with secondary schools in the region and participate in research projects at universities and research institutes.

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