Firewall management tools
You selected your firewalls carefully and scaled the security concept to meet your network requirements. But how do you manage your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls efficiently and securely? LANCOM provides three management tools to choose from for this purpose – a graphical Web interface with excellent usability, the LANCOM Management Cloud, which manages all your devices, networks, and configurations in a highly automated way, or the LANCOM R&S®UF Command Center. They all have one thing in common: central management and monitoring allow you to maintain an overview at all times and minimize the risks to your network security.
Web interface of the Unified Firewalls
Transparent detailed configuration of individual LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls
Minimal susceptibility to errors, clear dashboards, and availability at any time: The intuitive Web interface helps you creating exact security specifications for your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls and is ideal for their detailed configuration. Within minutes, you can set up secure networks whose firewalls can be clearly monitored by the browser-based central management console. Additionally, comprehensive compliance and audit reports help you identifying potential security gaps and to fix them in time. Take a look at our tutorial video to see how quickly the initial setup can be completed thanks to a convenient installation wizard.
LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC)
The powerhouse of network management for all LANCOM devices
Take advantage of many benefits when integrating LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls into your network via the LMC: Configurations, initial setups, and monitoring become quick tasks. Thanks to the "One-Click Security" concept, security rules are created centrally, adapted, and rolled out automatically to one or more sites with just a few clicks – all based on industry-leading cybersecurity technology. And you can observe all of this live on the screen: The user-friendly operating and monitoring concept facilitates the central administration of even complex network architectures for comprehensive security management. In the constantly evolving LANCOM Management Cloud, you not only manage your firewalls, but also always keep an eye on your routers, switches, and access points.
LANCOM R&S®UF Command Center
Comprehensive management from a single source for many firewalls
The LANCOM R&S®UF Command Center provides a solid platform for managing and monitoring a large number of LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls. After detailed configuration via the Web interface, the Command Center greatly simplifies the implementation of company-wide compliance requirements. Monitoring, backup, license, and update management are presented in a user-friendly manner with clear dashboards. Certificate-supported end-to-end encryption between the LANCOM R&S®UF Command Center and the firewalls underscores the high security standards of this management tool. The choice of hosting is entirely up to you: Choose between one of the popular cloud providers or a local "on premises" hosted variant.
When choosing the right firewall, both the amount of data traffic and the size of the company are decisive factors. With the desktop and rack models of the LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls, you are ideally equipped for any application – and without compromising on security functions, because the maximum security of your network is guaranteed at all times by Unified Threat Management (UTM).