Critical infrastructures and municipal enterprises

Secure IT networks for cities, states, and governments.
Cybersecurity for critical infrastructures.

More network security and efficiency in critical infrastructures

Municipal companies and critical infrastructures are in the midst of digital transformation. They have long since recognized the opportunity offered by modern digital applications: to counteract rising costs with efficient processes.

The prerequisite for this is a powerful and future-proof IT network infrastructure. This puts those responsible under great pressure: they have to upgrade existing systems to meet new requirements, often during ongoing operations – with a high demand for up-to-date technology but tight budgets for new IT purchases.

Nevertheless, press and association reports on devastating attacks have raised awareness of the increasing cyber risks for municipal enterprises. No company or institution can afford data theft, disruptions, and outages. This is all the more true where critical consequences are imminent because essential services are provided for society and the economy.

The proven network solutions from LANCOM ensure cyber security, maximum performance, and digital sovereignty. They meet the strict requirements for IT infrastructures in municipal enterprises and institutions belonging to the critical infrastructure.

Circular infographic on key requirements for IT networks in the critical infrastructures sector and in municipal companies: In the center is a dark blue circle with a white government building icon with a flag on it, from which networking lines emanate and the signature "IT network requirements for critical infrastructures and municipal enterprises"; this inner circle is surrounded by a ring with different colored segments in the colors light apple green, strong medium blue and dark blue which list the six criteria: Compliance with laws and guidelines: GDPR, NIS2, government recommendations, IT security guidelines, European security standards; Digital sovereignty: Integral, secure and EU-compliant hardware and software, fail-safe systems, future-proof and updatable technology, European manufacturers, self-enabling network management; Highest state-of-the-art network security: Next generation UTM firewalls, lateral network protection, endpoint security, deep packet inspection, etc.; Industry-sensitive planning, approval, and implementation: Experienced support with applications, stakeholder management, approval processes, etc.; User-friendly, supported network operation: Remote support from an experienced, trusted system house or in-house IT and intelligent support / automation functions in a network management cloud; Strong performance, stability, and resilience: High bandwidths and data throughputs (VR, AR, IoT-ready, etc.), future-proof technologies (e.g. Zero Trust, 5G, Wi-Fi 7), redundancy and backup functions
Requirements for IT networks in critical infrastructures and municipal enterprises

LANCOM as the ideal network partner for critical infrastructures and municipal enterprises

Compliance with laws and directives

GDPR-compliant, NIS-2-compliant, guideline-tested products and solutions in accordance with the highest European security standards for critical infrastructures

Compliant to what?

Digital sovereignty and future viability

Latest technologies, regular and free software updates, hardware and software engineered in Germany, cloud hosting in Germany, backdoor-free products, and much more for maximum independence and self-determined action

How does LANCOM ensure digital sovereignty?

Industry-sensitive process and project management

Many years of experience with application, stake­holder management, and approval processes in the public sector; successful implementation of numerous reference projects

How exactly does LANCOM help?

Certified cyber security and product quality

National and international IT security labels and trust seals, as well as numerous user awards and references as proof of quality

Is there proof of quality?

User-oriented, intuitive network operation

Convenient and intelligent cloud management with numerous support and automation functions for efficient use of all resources

What exactly does user-oriented mean?

We will
accompany you.

Photograph of LANCOM sales representative Thomas Wenderoth
Thomas Wenderoth, Vice President Market & Business Development

Leaving behind proven analog methods is not always easy. Nevertheless, the legal requirements and guidelines surrounding the Digital Europe program and efforts for e-government are increasing, and international benchmarking and shortages of skilled workers are adding to the pressure.

LANCOM Systems has been a consultant, companion, and network technology supplier for critical infrastructures and municipal enterprises for many years and knows the lack of time and the uncertainties that go hand in hand with digitalization there. Maximum security, digital sovereignty, fail-safe systems, data protection, sustainability – LANCOM infrastructures combine state-of-the-art technology, work simplification, and all-round support in efficient, highly secure all-in-one solutions. Making digital transformation easy and carefree.

Municipal enterprises and critical infrastructures caught between digitalization and cyber security

Broad range of tasks and great responsibility in critical infrastructures

There are thousands of municipal, state, and federally owned companies in each country.

They perform voluntary and mandatory tasks in many sectors and industries. They are pillars of the community, supply the population with water and energy, recycle waste, and enable mobility and education. This applies all the more to critical infrastructures – organizations that are essential to society and the economy and where failures or disruptions would lead to supply bottlenecks, threats to public safety, or other dramatic consequences.

Public institutions and municipal companies have experienced a strong surge in digitalization in recent years. The downside of networking is the growing interest of cyber criminals from all over the world.

Whether they paralyze citizens' offices, transport systems, or waterworks is often of secondary importance to hackers, as long as a ransom can be extorted by encrypting data.

Critical infrastructures are increasingly exposed to cyber attacks

How serious is the situation?

According to the report of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) “The State of IT Security in Germany in 2023”, an average of two attacks on local authorities or municipal enterprises using blackmail software were reported per month in 2023.1

Such incidents can affect entire communities and even specific sectors such as local public transport, tax offices, or public utilities.

If the city hall's ticket system doesn't work, this can be tolerated for a while – apart from the economic damage. When it comes to water and sewage, heating, the municipal hospital, or other critical infrastructures cyber attacks quickly become life-threatening.

NIS-2 for the protection of critical infrastructures

In response to the threat situation, a new version of the European Network and Information Security Directive, NIS-2, has been in force since 2022 and will be transmitted into national laws until October 2024.

With the completely new municipal waste disposal sector and new thresholds for the other sectors, the number of companies that must fulfill specific obligations, which are set for critical infrastructures, is increasing. This includes, for example, the implementation of state-of-the-art IT infrastructure and the reporting of incidents.

Cyber protection is also important outside of NIS-2 and critical infrastructures

Most municipal waterworks and waste disposal companies serve fewer than 500,000 inhabitants and therefore do not fall under the new regulations for critical infrastructures. However, it is in the companies' own interests to ensure that their IT infrastructure is as invulnerable as possible and that the supply to the population is guaranteed.

For good reason, municipal companies and operators of critical infrastructure do not have the necessary specialist staff for such complex tasks. In most cases, it makes more sense to buy in external expertise.

LANCOM networks: Digitally sovereign solutions for critical infrastructures and municipal enterprises

LANCOM Systems is your reliable European partner for the expansion and development of future-proof and completely secure IT infrastructures.


Digital sovereignty

  • Modern, future-proof technologies such as Zero Trust, Wi-Fi 7, 5G, Machine Learning, etc.
  • Hardware and software engineered in Germany
  • Flexible interface variety for all connection requirements
  • Backup and redundancy security for optimum failure protection
  • Hosting of the network management cloud in Germany
  • Trustworthy, backdoor-free products and solutions
  • Self-enabling network management with intelligent support functions and own scripting options
  • Training and support services

Industry experience

  • Decades of experience with tendering procedures, stakeholder management, and approval processes in SMEs and the public sector
  • Free training and support services with the LANCOM Infohub app, and our blueprint for the digitalization of public sector clients (German language only)
  • Practical, easy to plan and implement solutions: From SD-WAN and SD-Branch, over large campus networks and modern remote access concepts, to industrial and outdoor Wi-Fi, and much more
  • Maximum commitment with constant deadline and milestone monitoring and continuous assurance of technical functionality and project quality
  • Successful implementation of numerous reference projects

Security and quality

Resource efficiency

State-of-the-art security for future technologies

Of course, the digitalization of municipal companies and critical infrastructures not only entails risks, but also offers great potential for development and optimization for cities and municipalities.

Big data analytics, smart technologies, and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing business models and processes. Network infrastructures from LANCOM offer all the prerequisites to use current and future technologies in public companies and institutions and to benefit from them securely.

Securely digitalized utilities

Digitally sovereign and secure cities

Independent and protected digitalized production and processing

LANCOM in critical infrastructures: Reference projects, awards, and commitments

We measure ourselves by the results. When it comes to society's essential services and assets, one should only use network equipment that is verifiably effective and secure.

You are therefore welcome to read our references, awards, and projects on NIS-2 and digital sovereignty to find out more about what defines LANCOM. Perhaps you will be convinced by the views of our customers, users, or cooperation partners.

Smart implementation of IT networks for municipal companies and public institutions

LANCOM solutions meet all legal requirements for security and data protection. They accelerate the installation, configuration, and commissioning of your IT network thanks to intelligent functions and remote options. The cloud-based management of networks, locations, devices, and security reduces the workload and thus the need for scarce specialists.

What are your next steps in expanding and building your IT networks? We are open to any questions and look forward to hearing from you!

Sources and further links

1 Report “The state of IT security in Germany in 2023”“, Federal Office for Information Security in Germany (BSI)

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We answer your questions

Our expert for critical infrastructures and municipal enterprises

Thomas Wenderoth
VP Business & Market Development
Tel.: +49 2405 49936 258
Mobil: +49 151 17487525