Network management

Automated IT administration for professional network management

Network management is more than just installing hardware. It is the sensible design of networks, the roll-out of configurations, and later also the monitoring and troubleshooting of projects. All of this costs IT admins a lot of resources. A professional network management tool makes these tasks easier and saves time and stress. Cloud-based network management software also offers many practical approaches for optimizing existing networks, identifying potential sources of interference and maintaining a constant overview of performance.

With our network management solution, the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC), IT specialists can manage customer networks faster and more securely. Using the LMC, they are able to offer high-quality and targeted service without on-site appointments and the resulting loss of time, and to make adjustments to networks without a great deal of effort. See for yourself how the LANCOM Management Cloud supports you in meeting the high demands of modern and secure network management.

Current situation & trends

Up-to-date in terms of network management

What are the current trends in IT administration and network management and how can IT specialists be supported? LANCOM and techconsult asked companies in the DACH region and collected the results in a recent study:

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Highlight feature of the month

Trusted Internet Access

With LANCOM Trusted Access (LTA), access rights and network connections for mobile employees can be managed centrally via the LANCOM Management Cloud. There are two options: to allow mobile users normal Internet traffic in principle (“split tunnel”) or to route all data traffic through the central LTA gateway – a unified firewall or an SD-WAN gateway with security functions such as anti-virus or content filters (“full tunnel”). This secures the entire Internet traffic of connected LTA clients and reduces the risks of unauthorized access, malware, phishing, and other cyber attacks to a minimum thanks to this “Trusted Internet Access”.

Why cloud-managed networks?

Network monitoring

Do you also think network monitoring is time-consuming and confusing? With its clear dashboards on VPN / WAN, WLAN / LAN, and security / compliance, the LANCOM Management Cloud proves you wrong. Find out how you can not only save time and resources, but above all react to network errors as quickly as possible.

More about network management and monitoring


What can the LMC do?

As a network management tool and platform, the LMC supports IT administrators in their daily work. Find out briefly and concisely how the LANCOM Management Cloud can save you time and stress:

Infographic strenghts of the LMC

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Tips for more relaxed network management

Automated Wi-Fi optimization in network management

WLAN management takes up quite a bit of time in network management. Providing sufficient Wi-Fi capacity for the respective workload, ensuring optimal channel distribution and transmission power, avoiding interference – the list of tasks is long and recurring.

That's why our Wi-Fi specialists have developed a solution in the LANCOM Management Cloud that takes over and reduces these tasks: LANCOM Active Radio Control 2.0. The self-learning automation solution optimizes WLAN installations based on real usage data and makes the management of access points, channels, and Wi-Fi capacities much easier.

See for yourself:

More about LANCOM Active Radio Control 2.0

Other top topics on network management

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