Outdoor Access Points

Fast, reliable Wi-Fi in all weather conditions

Outdoor access points offer wireless LAN for remote and expansive outdoor locations, for example, on campgrounds, in sports stadiums, or in ski resorts. Thanks to their robust protective housing (IP67) and their extended temperature range of -30 to +65°C, they can withstand even extreme weather conditions. With outdoor access points from LANCOM, you have the choice of transmitting in the 5 GHz, the 2.4 GHz frequency band, or both bands simultaneously. Thanks to support of the Wi-Fi 6 wireless LAN standard, fast transmission rates of up to 3.6 Gbps are possible. You can also efficiently set up high-performance point-to-point links (P2P) between remote parts of a building.

Our products at a glance

OX series – High-performance outdoor Wi-Fi based on the latest technology for medium and high user densities

  • LANCOM OX-6402

    Outdoor Wi-Fi 6 access point, 4 external antennas

    IP67 housing, -30° to +65°C, up to 3.6 Gbps

    PoE passthrough multi-Gigabit Ethernet, BLE & USB

  • LANCOM OX-6400

    Outdoor Wi-Fi 6 access point

    IP67 housing, -30° to +65°C, up to 3.6 Gbps

    PoE passthrough multi-Gigabit Ethernet, BLE & USB

OW series – Cost-optimized outdoor Wi-Fi with basic functions for low user densities

  • LANCOM OW-602

    Outdoor Wi-Fi 6 access point, 4 external antennas

    IP67 housing, -30° to +65°C, up to 1.7 Gbps

    BLE & USB support

Links & downloads

Product archive

LANCOM products that have reached End of Sale (EOS) or End of Life (EOL) status can be found in the product archive Wireless LAN.


In the LANCOM publications, you will find all documents in one place – from technical documentation and instructions to white papers and product overviews and comparisons.

Success stories

How do LANCOM products perform in actual use? Take a look at the reference projects and customer testimonials in the LANCOM success stories.

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+49 (0)2405 49936 122

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