Version overview

Graphic of a LANCOM product with gears and the lettering of LCOS, LCOS FX, LCOS LX, and LCOS SX

Current LCOS maintenance status

The free operating systems LCOS, LCOS SX, LCOS LX and LCOS FX are our in-house firmwares for the entire device portfolio of LANCOM Systems GmbH.

Software downloads

You will find the current LCOS release version as well as all active predecessor releases in our download portal. Simply enter your desired product and download the software free of charge!

To download the current LCOS FX release version, you can use the update function of your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall or go to the myLANCOM Firewall License Portal.

Tabular overview of the current LANCOM operating systems maintenance statuses

Current LCOS versions

LCOS version


Software Maintenance


LCOS 10.90 RU2


Current release version

Firmware version with new features

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS 10.80 RU10


Release version

Current stable release recommended for project use

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS 10.78


No further maintenance

First LCOS firmware release for the IAP-5G, 750-5G, 1800VAW-4G, and 1800VAW

Update to 10.80 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS 10.72 SU10


Release version

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS 10.70 RU2


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes - will be proceeded as 10.72

Update to 10.72 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS 10.60


No further maintenance

Software version to support new devices

Update to 10.72 recommended

LCOS 10.50 RU16

active (EOL as of April, 30th 2025)

Release version

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS 10.42 and earlier


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

*Note: This firmware is now only provided for devices that no longer receive a current or new LCOS version, but for which security updates continue to be provided within the scope of the software lifecycle management.

Current LCOS SX versions

LCOS SX version


Software maintenance




New LCOS SX release version for all switches of the CS and YS series

Current firmware version including new features and all bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS SX 5.20 RU10


New LCOS SX release version for all switches of the XS-6000, XS-5000, and XS/GS-4500 series

Current firmware version including new features and all bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS SX 4.30 RU4


New LCOS SX release version for all switches of the XS-3500, GS-3600, GS-3500, and GS-3200 series as well as GS-3152(X/XP/XSP), GS-3126(X/XP), and IGS-3510XUP

Current firmware version including new features and all bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS SX 4.00 SU13


New LCOS SX release version for LANCOM GS-3152P

Current firmware version including new features and all bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS SX 3.34 SU9


New LCOS SX release version for all switches of the GS-2300 and GS-1300 series

Current firmware version including new features and all bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

Current LCOS LX versions

LCOS LX version


Software Maintenance


LCOS LX 6.20 RU1


Current release version of the LANCOM access points

Current LCOS LX release version for access points of the LX and LW series (except for LW-500) including new features and all bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS LX 6.14 RU1 (RU2 for the LANCOM LW-600)


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS LX 6.12 RU1


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS LX 6.10 RU2


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS LX 5.38 SU1


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS LX 5.36 RU3


Release version for the LANCOM LW-500

LCOS LX firmware release for the LANCOM LW-500

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

LCOS LX 5.34 RU4


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS LX 5.32 RU1


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS LX 5.30 SU3


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS LX 5.20 RU4


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

LCOS LX 5.10 RU2


No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no



No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no



No further maintenance

Version level without current features and bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Current LCOS FX versions

LCOS FX version


Software Maintenance


LCOS FX 11.1 RU1


Current firmware version of the LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls

Current firmware version including new features and all bug fixes

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

LCOS FX 10.13 RU8


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 11.1 available

LCOS FX 10.12 RU4


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.13 available

LCOS FX 10.11 RU4

(BSZ certified)


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

(unless you are dependent on the BSZ-certified operation of the Unified Firewalls)

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: yes

Manufacturer support: yes

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.13 available

LCOS FX 10.10 Rel


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.12 available

LCOS FX 10.9 RU3


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.12 available

LCOS FX 10.8 RU3


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.12 available

LCOS FX 10.7 RU3


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.12 available

LCOS FX 10.6 RU7


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.12 available

LCOS FX 10.5 RU3


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.6 Rel available

LCOS FX 10.4.3


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.5 RU1 available

LCOS FX 10.3.3


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.4.1 available

LCOS FX 10.2.4


Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended

Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: yes

Direct online update to version 10.3.2 available



Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended


Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: no*

Direct online update to version 10.4.1 available



Upgrade to LCOS FX 11.1 recommended


Software releases, patches, and hotfixes: no

Manufacturer support: no

Pattern- and signature updates: no*

Direct online update to version 10.4.1 available

* Please Note: After the official end of life date of v9.6 and v9.8 (31st December, 2020), we can no longer guarantee feature quality and quantity. Especially for all UTM features, significant functional losses are to be expected due to the deactivation of signature and pattern updates and the discontinuation of communication with external partners (e.g. cloud services).

Compatibility with the LANCOM Management Cloud

To ensure continued smooth operation with the LANCOM Management Cloud, LANCOM devices with an old firmware version must be updated to a newer version. The following firmware versions are the minimum requirement:

  • at least LCOS 10.12.0147 SU3
  • at least LCOS FX 10.4
  • at least LCOS LX 5.20 Rel
  • at least LCOS SX 3.30.0417 RU3

To use all the functions of the LANCOM Management Cloud, we recommend using the latest release version.