LCOS SX Release
The operating system for LANCOM Switches - the LCOS SX - continuously receives innovative new features and improvements due to our in-house development. This guarantees that your internal networking is always state-of-the-art! Download the right SX version for your device now and benefit from new features and improvements.

For switches of the CS and YS series
- Release firmware for LANCOM CS-8132F and LANCOM YS-7154CF

LCOS SX 5.20 RU10 bugfixing
For switches of the XS-6000, XS-5000, and XS/GS-4500 series
- The LMC client now also works behind transparent HTTP proxies and supports proxy authentication.
- SNTP server and time zone configuration have been added to the detail configuration of the LMC.
- Integration of the new LANCOM XS-4500 series.

LCOS SX 4.30 RU4 features
For switches of the XS-3500, GS-3600, GS-3500, and GS-3200 series as well as GS-3152(X/XP/XSP), GS-3126(X/XP), and IGS-3510XUP
- Integration of the new XS-3500 series
- Support for the LMC autoupdater
- Increase of the limit from 4 active SSH sessions to 8
- Enabling SNMPv3 configuration also via LMC
- Bugfix for LLDP-MED detection of devices, which previously did not work reliably with PoE according to 802.3bt
- Bugfix for the error that PoE was not initialized correctly after updating some GS-3100/3500 switches from LCOS SX 4.00 to LCOS SX 4.30
- Bugfix for the occurrence that an SSH session was abruptly terminated during long command line outputs
Software lifecycle management
With LANCOM Systems you have a manufacturer at your side who offers unparalleled investment protection. The lifecycle policies from LANCOM also provide full transparency and reliable planning with regard to the firmware updates and product support for your LANCOM infrastructure.
LANCOM release process
Our aim is the optimal preparation of our operating systems and other software, not only for its use in practice, but also to adapt it to the wishes of our customers. This is why we enter into active dialog with our customers even during the development phase as part of our release procedure.
Before upgrading your device to a new firmware it is essential to backup your device’s configuration. Due to extensive features it is not possible to downgrade to a previous firmware without using the backup configuration. Never disconnect the device from power supply while updating the firmware. In this case the device won’t start again.