PUR IT-Operations

Professional User Rating 2025 Champion award for LANCOM in the field of network management and monitoring from PUR IT-Operations

LANCOM top-rated for the sixth time in a row

Once again in 2025, the “Professional User Rating: IT Operations” by analyst firm techconsult confirms LANCOM Systems’ leading position: In the category Network Management & Monitoring, LANCOM is once again recognized as a top provider – receiving outstanding ratings both for the company and its solution. Particular praise was given for Service & Support, trustworthiness, and data security.

LANCOM remains a leader in Network Management & Monitoring with top marks in Service & Support

LANCOM once again asserts itself against the competition, taking the lead in the Network Management & Monitoring category. In the latest “Professional User Rating: IT Operations” by techconsult, LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC) was named Champion for the sixth consecutive time.

LANCOM achieved the highest overall score in the vendor rating, thanks to top marks in Service & Support, an outstanding information and training offering, and close cooperation with qualified sales partners. The greatest lead over competitors was recorded in trustworthiness and data governance (data protection and data security) – with LANCOM performing significantly above average in 20 out of 32 evaluation criteria. On the solution level, the LMC stands out for its performance, usability, and overall value. High levels of customer satisfaction are also reflected in strong product loyalty and a high willingness to recommend the solution.

Robert Mallinson, Co-Managing Director at LANCOM Systems, comments:
"It is clear that our focus on digital sovereignty has been the right path. We have helped create market awareness for sovereign digital solutions that make no compromises when it comes to data protection and security. As Head of Sales, I am especially proud that our Service & Support and our channel partners receive such outstanding recognition. No other vendor shows this level of acceptance in these key areas."

Ercan Hayvali, Senior Analyst at techconsult, explains:
"In this year’s PUR user survey, LANCOM once again confirms its leading position in Network Management & Monitoring. The company takes top positions in key categories such as Service & Support, channel partners, and information offering. The results reflect a clear continuity with the positive ratings of previous years. High user satisfaction and loyalty once again highlight LANCOM as a reliable partner for demanding network management solutions."

LANCOM as PUR-ITO Champion 2025 in the category Network-Management- and Monitoring, Diamond Infographic

About techconsult

Research and analyst firm techconsult has been the partner for suppliers and consumers of digital technologies and services for 30 years. Conducting analyses at businesses provides an insight into their problems and their future visions regarding the use of information technologies. More than 20,000 interviews conducted with business and IT decision makers each year provide an accurate impression. Additionally, techconsult continuously screens suppliers' products and services to provide strategic and implementational consulting to the IT industry and business users. For a number of years techconsult has been providing specialized assessment tools to business and IT decision-makers for the identification of problem areas and conducting positioning analysis. techconsult GmbH is headed by managing partner and founder Peter Burghardt with offices located in Kassel and Munich. The company is part of the Heise Group.

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Previous awards

2024 - LANCOM once again asserts itself against the competition and leads the field of participants

In the current user survey PUR IT-Operations, the LANCOM Management Cloud convinced across the board and once again achieved top ratings at the solution and company levels. Particularly emphasized were the reduced response times in incidents and the comprehensive monitoring of the network management platform. Users are also convinced by the performance of the solution – it is primarily the flexibility and scalability with which the LANCOM Management Cloud scores. The high acceptance among users is reinforced by the highest rating in user satisfaction.

In the provider evaluation, LANCOM ranks at the top of all participants as a manufacturer. The top score in the information offering among all providers concerns not only information on updates and new releases, but also contact options and the informative website. LANCOM also performed excellently in service and support. Here, telephone accessibility and the quality of problem resolution received excellent ratings. LANCOM impressed across the board and is considered an outstanding provider for network management and monitoring solutions.

Ercan Hayvali, responsible Senior Analyst at techconsult, explains: “The repeated top position of LANCOM in our this year's 'Professional User Rating - IT Operations' underlines the ongoing satisfaction of users with the LANCOM Management Cloud. The results highlight LANCOM's leading position in the area of Network Management & Monitoring and confirm the constant fulfillment of customer requirements.”

LANCOM as PUR-ITO Champion 2024 in the category Network-Management- and Monitoring, Diamond Infographic

2023 - Top marks for the fourth time in a row

In this year's “Professional User Rating IT Operations 2023” by the analyst firm techconsult, LANCOM Systems has asserted its top position. For the fourth time in a row, users gave LANCOM top marks in the category “Network Management & Monitoring”. This is the second top placement for us in this year's user survey, as we have already taken the title as best VPN provider.

For this independent study, the research and analyst firm techconsult surveyed over 2,000 IT managers on their satisfaction with market-relevant operational IT solutions and their manufacturers. In the category "Network Management & Monitoring", the users attest to LANCOM's excellent performance at both solution and vendor level and rate the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC) as the best solution in this area.

The LMC scores particularly well for improving its own IT security and reducing response times to registered incidents. Users also value the performance, reliability, flexibility, and scalability of the LMC, giving it third place overall in this category.

The consistently positive perception of the users is also reflected in the manufacturer rating. Among other things, users gave top marks to LMC's pricing and purchasing models, as well as to LANCOM's consulting and training services. In the general vendor rating, the LMC scores particularly well in terms of trustworthiness, communicated corporate culture and sustainability, as well as the handling of sensitive data.

LANCOM as PUR-ITO Champion 2023 in the category Network-Management- and Monitoring, Diamond Infographic

2022 - Best-rated network management

For this independent study, research and analyst firm techconsult surveyed over 3,200 IT managers regarding their satisfaction with IT solutions on the market and their providers. In the “Network Management & Monitoring” category, users awarded top marks to LANCOM in both the solution and manufacturer ratings, and they rated the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC) as the best solution in this field.

The LMC scored highly with its performance, high availability, and remote capability, which earned it the top spot in the “Performance” category. In terms of features, too, the LMC received top ratings. Particularly convincing are the detailed real-time monitoring and network analysis, the anomaly detection, and the alerting features. These monitor not only the current performance of the network: In the best case, alerts are issued that allow a reaction even before a problem occurs. The LMC also received outstanding ratings for product loyalty as, of all the solutions evaluated, it was the one most likely to be recommended.

The consistently positive perception by the users is also reflected in the manufacturer rating. Users gave top marks for the flexible deployment options offered by the LMC, which can be operated as a public or private cloud, or even on-premises. Equally highly rated was the overall LANCOM product portfolio with its integrated approach to network management for WAN, LAN, WLAN, and Security.

Lutz Fröhlich, Vice President of Cloud Management & Services at LANCOM: “Feedback from our users is invaluable to us. This top placing shows that we are on the right path with the LANCOM Management Cloud. But we are also highly motivated to keep on developing our cloud services. Digitization absolutely needs a basis built on trust. This is exactly what we want to deliver with our digitally sovereign network management solutions engineered in Germany.”

techconsult - Professional User Rating ITO 2022

2021 - Second consecutive ranking as “Champion”

Absolute top marks were awarded by users for, among other things, the capabilities of the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC) in terms of its performance, reliability, maintenance and remote functionality.

The LMC also achieved best ratings for its range of functions, with a particularly convincing detailed (real-time) monitoring and analysis of the network and the detection of unusual and suspicious behavior. Further top marks were awarded to the LANCOM solution for its user friendliness, and it was the only solution to receive the best rating in the configuration category. The consistently positive results for the rating of the solution are also reflected in the manufacturer rating. Here, too, LANCOM stands out in terms of innovation, overall product portfolio or service & support. The most striking thing is: LANCOM secured 1st place in nearly every category.

“This outstanding rating again shows that we are extremely well positioned for SD-WAN and Cloud Managed Wi-Fi. We are particularly pleased to have this confirmed by an independent analysis. Even more pleasing is that we secured the top position by quite a wide margin in the already thin field of Champions,” says LANCOM managing director Ralf Koenzen. The LMC is the basis for the LANCOM portfolio of solutions in Cloud Managed Networks, Cloud Managed Wi-Fi, SD-WAN, and SD-Branch.

techconsult - Professional User Rating ITO 2021

2020 - LANCOM Management Cloud secured a place among the „Champions“

In the “Professional User Rating IT Operations” study published for the first time by analysts techconsult, right from the start it was LANCOM Systems who successfully jumped to the front row. More than 1,400 user companies rated their experiences of “Network Management & Monitoring” solutions. The LANCOM Management Cloud secured a place among the “Champions” with an overall rating that was well above average. Users particularly valued the solution’s capabilities. Respondents gave high marks for the organization, optimization and control of the network architecture as well as the system’s ability to dynamically adapt to changing requirements. The most valued aspect of the LANCOM Management Cloud is its high availability. The LMC also achieved top marks for its user-friendliness. The majority of the user companies claim to be highly satisfied with the solution.

The solution’s consistently above-average ratings are matched by an equally outstanding manufacturer rating. The majority of the companies surveyed would source a solution from LANCOM again.

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