Vista telephone: LANCOM Advanced VoIP Client 1.20 - New softphone from LANCOM emphasizes the paradigm shift due to SIP

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Vista telephone: LANCOM Advanced VoIP Client 1.20


New softphone from LANCOM emphasizes the paradigm shift due to SIP


Aachen, May 31, 2007 - The SIP protocol as used for Internet telephony is client based. This marks a clear break with the centralistic approach of traditional telecommunications systems. As with other IP services, intelligence is flowing to a great number of individual network components, the consequence of which is an increase in performance as well as improved scalability and availability of the system as a whole.

Performance and limitations on the number of participants are no longer determined by a central exchange. Installation merely involves the addition of new terminal equipment or softphones.


The new version 1.20 of the LANCOM Advanced VoIP Client, for example, integrates into Microsoft® Outlook® on the local PC -also under Windows Vista™. Whether it is a single installation or a client in an Exchange Server solution is immaterial. Unlike the client announced by Microsoft®, there is no need of a special Office Communications Server for feature functions such as hold call, transfer call, connect call, recording, dialing from address books, contacts, call lists, or even conferences with any number of participants.

Consequently, modern office environments can be supplemented with easy-to-operate telephone work places which offer a high degree of application integration, and there is no need of any additional server services or PBX extensions.


Once installed on a laptop, this solution offers the full range of functions and is mobile. With a suitable IP connection, it can be operated in the field or in the home office.


For users who prefer a durable handset, hands-free facilities and picking up calls in the conventional manner, the professional LANCOM VoIP USB Handset is available as an option.


All in all this solution is far more flexible and cheaper than classical CTI approaches because there is no need of additional server licenses, central installations, or PBX modules.


Roland Burlaga, Voice-over-IP Product Manager at LANCOM Systems: "The conference function is an excellent example of the performance that SIP provides with the Advanced VoIP Client: With classical telecommunications systems, PBXs have to be fitted with expensive conference modules to enable even limited numbers of people to participate in conferences. With the SIP client, the size of the conference depends solely upon the client PC's performance and its network connection. Scaling up merely involves adding in further telephones, without any other additional costs."


Pricing and availability

The new version 1.20 is available now as a free update to users of the LANCOM Advanced VoIP Client and as a 30-day test version from the download area at

A single license for the new client is available at EUR 89 plus VAT.




LANCOM Systems background

LANCOM Systems GmbH is a leading German manufacturer of reliable communications solutions for large enterprises and SMEs, public authorities and institutions. The company supplies products and software for IP-based VPN, VoIP and wireless networks, along with support and services. These solutions are planned and developed specifically for the requirements of business customers. The company's focus is on Internet access products with integrated high-quality firewalls for ADSL, SDSL, ISDN and UMTS access and on comprehensive solutions for network connectivity and security with virtual private networks (VPN), wireless networks (wireless LAN) and public spots. LANCOM Systems GmbH is headquartered in Würselen near Aachen and has sales offices in Munich, London, Madrid, Bolzano, Tilburg and Prague. Ralf Koenzen and Ulrich Prinz are the company's founders and Managing Directors.



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